
About Me

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About Melo-dee

A little info on the person behind the company....

I've been a creative individual ever since I was a wee one. My Grandmother was a fabulous oil painter (amongst other creative talents), my Grandfather was a superb woodcarver, and my mother a wonderful landscaper. I've lived in New York (upstate and the city), Maryland, Germany and Florida. I've attended over 11 schools and travelled North America, Europe and Southeast Asia seeing a broad spectrum of art in many cultures. Meeting so many people from all walks of life I feel we can all relate to each other in different ways.
Living in the melting pot of South Florida is wonderful, I feel like another chameleon blending in.  I need art in my life, and I want to be able to create a positive feeling for others through my artwork.

Me & my snaggletoof Brandy